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Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony

One of the most popular posts on my site it the Simple Indoor Opening Ceremony. This is a very basic ceremony to open your den, pack, or other meeting. But what to do at the end? A closing flag ceremony of course!

Below you will find a closing flag ceremony which is respectful, but is still simple enough for Cub Scouts to carry out.

Simple Closing Flag Ceremony for Cub Scouts

The leader can be a member of the den (preferred), a Den Chief, or an adult leader.

Closing Flag Ceremony diagram

Leader: “Color Guard, Advance”

The Color Guard goes to the front of the room and stands next to the flags, with the same number at each flag.

Leader: “Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors. Scout Salute”

The Color Guard removes the flags from their stands and proceeds out of the room double-file as shown in the diagram. Those in uniform do a hand salute. Everyone else places their hand on their heart.

Leader: “TWO. Color Guard dismissed.”

Everyone stops saluting.


  • The US flag should always be on the right side of the procession and should never be behind the other flags.
  • It is appropriate to salute any time the US flag passes and until it is out of sight.
  • The command “Two” means to stop saluting.

Related Resources for Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony

Simple Indoor Opening Flag Ceremony

Simple Indoor Opening Flag Ceremony

This is a very simple opening flag ceremony for Cub Scouts to use at Den and Pack meetings.

How to Fold the US Flag

Folding a United States Flag is not difficult. Even younger Scouts can learn how to do it.

Simple Flag Retirement Ceremony

A Simple Flag Retirement Ceremony

If you have a flag which is too worn for service, you can use this ceremony to retire it.


4 responses to “Simple Indoor Closing Flag Ceremony”

  1. Monica Avatar

    I was wondering why the leader says “two?” I’m hoping you know what that means!!

    1. Scouter Mom Avatar
      Scouter Mom

      It has do do with the hand salute, so it can be done in unison in two parts. Part one is the salute. Part two is dropping the salute.

  2. evelyn padilla Avatar
    evelyn padilla

    Hello I am a new scout mom and I see that every Friday that the scouts meet they say like a prayer before leaving. Today was my sons turn to say it and he doen’t know it. Can you please help me and tell me what they say. I want him to be ready for next meeting
    Thank you in advance

    1. James Walter Taylor Avatar
      James Walter Taylor

      Different Troops follow different traditions. Generally speaking, though any kindly meant prayer will pass. You will commonly hear a chaplain or chaplain’s aide say an invocation, grace or benediction as

      (loudly, clearly)
      “Please, prepare yourselves for prayer in the manner of your custom”

      (then your prayer of choice, for examples see http://usscouts.org/reverent/prayers.asp)

      OR for a traditional prayer:
      “May the road rise to meet you,
      may the wind be ever at your back.
      May the sun shine warm upon your face,
      and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
      And until we meet again,
      may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

      OR more typical:
      “May everyone make it home, and stay safe until we meet again”

      Amen (head for the door)

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